
Acaena Bellflower Butterfly Bush Cymbalaria False Spirea Hollyhock Leopard's Bane Navelwort Rodger's Flower Stonecrop Yarrow
Aconite Bergenia Carnation Daylily Francoa Houseleek Leucanthemum Orange Sunflower Rudbeckia Tansy .
Anemone Bitter Root Catchfly Dragon's Head Gentian Houttuynia Lionsheart Pachysandra Sage Thyme .
Angelica Blanketflower Catnip Dusty Miller Gillenia Inula Lobelia Pasque Flower Sandwort Tickseed .
Aster Blazing Star Cat's Ears Echium Globeflower Iris Loosestrife Peony Saxifrage Toad Lily .
Aubretia Bleeding Heart Christmas Rose Edelweiss Globe thistle Jacob's Ladder Lungwort Perovskia Schooting Star Torch Lily .
Avens Blue Wild Indigo Cinquefoil English Daisy Globularia Joe Pye Weed Lupin Phlox Selfheal Verbena .
Baby s-breath Bugbane Columbine Erinus Goat's Beard Lady`s Cushion Lythrum Plantain Lily Sisyrinchium Veronicastrum .
Balloon Flower Bugle Coneflower Eryngium Hardy Gloxinia Lady`s Mantle Masterwort Primrose Sneezeweed Violet .
Barren strawberry Buphthalmum Convallaria Evening Primrose Hawkweed Larkspur Meadow Rue Pokeweed Snowbell Virgin's Bower .
Beardtongue Burnet Coral Bells Everlast Heartleaf Alkanet Lavender Rock Cress Soapwort Spindle Tree Wild Ginger .
Bee Balm Burning Bush Cranesbill Hedgenettle Leopard plant Milkweed Rock-rose Speedwell Statice Whitelow-grass .


Blauestem grass Fescue Hair grass Lilyturf Panicgrass Sedge Silvergrass
Briza Gardener's Garters Hystrix Meadow grass Red Grass Sesleria Sweetflag
Feathergrass Grama grass Junegrass Moor Grass Satintail grass Schizachyrium Woodrush


Male Fern

- plant needs a sunny habitat
- plant needs a part-shade habitat
- plant needs a shady habitat
NB!- size of the container 1...3 litre
* - since June
# - new this year

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
. . Half-height herbs, Well-drained soil (intolerable to moisture in winter) . . .
A.inermis Purpurea white flowers,fast growing creeping plant with burgundy red leaves 5...10 -,,- VI/VII 3,00

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR

. . Half-height herbs, Well-drained soil (intolerable to moisture in winter) . . .
A.filipendulina- fernleaf yarrow Cloth of Gold golden-yellow flowers 90...120 -,,- VI/VIII 3,00
A.millefolium- Milfoil (yarrow) Cerise Queen . cherry red flowers 50...60 -,,- VI/VIII 3,00
Paprika warm red flowers 60 -,,- VI/VIII 3,00

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
ACONITUM - ACONITE . . Rich, leafy soil that never dries out. . , , . .
A.napellus - monk s-hood (aconite) - . flowers deep blue, deep-green leaves 75 -,,- VII/VIII 3,00

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
. . Moderately rich, moist, well-drained soil. . , . .
Actaea simplex - bugbane Brunette pink flowers, dark purple leaves 150 -,,- VIII/X 5,00
Pink Spike pink flowers, dark purple leaves 90...120 -,,- VIII/X 5,00

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
AJUGA - BUGLE . . Undemanding mat-form plant . . .
A.reptans - European bugle
(common bugle, blue bugle)
Atropurpurea . spikes of deep blue flowers, dark purple to bronz leaves 15 -,,- VI 2,00
Black Scall spikes of rich blue flowers, bronz leaves 15 -,,- VI 2,00
Burgundy Glow spikes of deep blue flowers, white cream, pink and maroon variegated leaves 15 -,,- VI 3,00
Rosea spike of pink flowers, green leaves 15 -,,- VI 3,00
Metallica Crispa spikes of rich blue flowers, compact form with small embossed bronze leaves 5 -,,- VI 3,00

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
ALCEA - HOLLYHOCK . . Undemanding plant. Common well-drained garden soil . , . .
A.ficifolia - Antwerp hollyhock Las Vegas red, pink, yellow or white flowers, remarkable fig-leaved 120...150 -,,- VI/VII 5,00
A.rosea - common hollyhock Mars Magic big bright red flowers 150...180 -,,- VI/VII 5,00
Pleniflora Mix big bright red, pink and white filled flowers 180...200 -,,- VII/IX 5,00

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
ALCHEMILLA - LADY S MANTLE . . Undemanding plant. Common well-drained garden soil . . .
A.mollis - Lady s mantle - quick-growing decortive clumps with bright green leaves
and delicate yellow racemes
40...50 -,,- VI/IX 3,00

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
. . Undemanding plant. Moist, well-drained soil . , . .
A.multifida - Cliff anemone Rubra . carmine-red flowers 30 -,,- V 3,00
A.hybrida Margarete mauve pink semi-double flowers with bright yellow stamens 70...80 -,,- VIII/IX 5,00
Rotkäppchen light red flowers, compact form 50...60 -,,- VIII/IX 5,00
Serenade salmonpink flowers with bright yellow stamens 70...90 -,,- VIII/IX 5,00

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
ANGELICA - ANGELICA . . Undemanding plants. Common soil . . .
A.gigas - purple flowers 140 -,,- VI/VIII 5,00

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
. . Undemanding plants.Well-drained light soil (suitable for rockgardens) . . .
A.dioica - mountain everlasting Rubra light pink flowers, soft pink towards finishing, with beauty silvery grey leaves 10 -,,- V 3,00

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
AQUILEGIA - COLUMBINE . . Well-drained light soil, enriched with manure.Propagate by self-seed readily. . . .
A.caerulea- blue columbine
(rocky mountain columbine)
F1 hybrids . bell-shaped colorful flowers, many colors 70 -,,- VI 3,00
A.flabellata -
Japanese columbine (fan columbine)
Ministar deep blue flowers whith white center, compact perennial 20 -,,- VI 3,00
A.vulgaris plena - common columbine
(Granny's Bonnets)
Nora Barlow . red to pink double flowers 60 -,,- VI 3,00
Winkie Series red, blue or pink flowers with white center, compact growth 45 -,,- VI/VII 3,00
Woodside Variegata dark hyacinth flowers, variegated leaves 60 -,,- VI 3,00

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
ARABIS - ROCKCRESS . . Well-drained light soil . . .
A.caucasica Compinkie beautiful mat-form plant with purple flowers 10 - ,, - V/VI 3,00
Deep Rose pink with bright yellow eye flowers,
beautiful mat-form plant
10 - ,, - V/VI 3,00
Pixie Cream creamy yellow with bright sulfur yellow eye flowers,velvety grey-green
leaves, compact habit
10 - ,, - V/VI 3,00

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
ARENARIA - SANDWORT . . for the rockgardens . . .
A.montana - Mountain sandwort - white large flowers, great mat-form plant 20...30 - ,, - VI 3,00

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
. . for the rock-gardens . . .
A.maritima - sea trift (sea cushion) - white to red flowers,
tiny cushion with narrow leaves, longflowering
20...30 - ,, - VI/VIII 3,00

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
ARUNCUS - GOATSBEARD . Moist and well-drained soil. . . .
A.aethusifolius -
dwarf goatsbeard (Korean goatsbeard)*
- creamy white flowers,deeply incised green leaves be changed to purple
in autumn,compact cultivar
20...30 - ,, - VI/VII 3,00
A.dioicus - goatsbeard
(Bride`s Feathers)
Kneiffii creamy white flowers,deeply incised green leaves 80 - ,, - VI/VII 5,00

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
ASARUM - WILD GINGER . Moist, well-drained soil . . .
A. europaeum - Asarabacca - . the dull purplish flowers, hidden under the deep-green glossy leaves 10 - ,, - IV 3,00

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
. . Well-drained soil, enriched with compost, limy soil for A.alpinus.
Warm place for cultivars, flowering later
. . .
A.alpinus- Alpine aster Duncle Schöne dark lilac flowers 30 -,,- VI/VII 3,00
Happy End pink flowers 30 -,,- VI/VII 3,00
A.amellus - European Michaelmas daisy Sonia bright pink flowers 50 -,,- VIII/X 3,00
A. dumosus- bushy aster - . mauve to purple color flowers 30 -,,- IX/X 3,00
A. novi-belgii + A. novae angliae -
New England Aster
Benarys Composition
flowers light pink to dark lilac 50...140 -,,- IX/X 5,00

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
ASTILBE - FALSE SPIREA . . Rich, leafy soil that never dries out. . . .
A. arendsii Etna longlasting dark red flowers 50...60 -,,- VII 3,50
Jump and Jive# magenta red flowers 35...45 -,,- VII 3,50
Look at Me# pink flowers on red stems, dense racemes 40...60 -,,- VII 3,50
Weisse Gloria white flowers 45...60 -,,- VII 3,50
A. chinensis - Chinese astilbe Black Pearls dark violet flowers 60...70 -,,- VII 3,50
Little Vision in Pink dense pink flowers 35...40 -,,- VII 3,50
Vision in Red dense purple flowers 37...45 -,,- VII 3,50
A. simplicitifolia-hybriden-
entire-leaf false goat s beard
Pink Lightning light pink flowers,compact perennial with lacy bronze leaves 35...40 -,,- VII/VIII 3,50

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
. . Moist soil . . .
A.major great masterwort Claret dark red daisy-like flowers 60 -,,- VII/VIII 3,00
Queen`s Children bright pink flowers 70 -,,- VII/VIII 3,00

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
AUBRIETA - AUBRETIA . Limy, well-drained light soil. Evergreens (need the cover in winter) . . .
A.x cultorum -
Large Flowered Aubrieta
Cascade Blue violet-blue large flowers 15 -,,- V/VI 3,00
Red Carpet intense carmine-red large flowers 10 -,,- V/VI 3,00

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
. . Undemanding plant . . .
B.cordifolia - Heartlief Saxifrage Winterglut magenta pink flowers,the young leaf at first is red 50...60 -,,- VI 3,00

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
. . They prefer humus-rich, moist soil. . . .
B.macrophylla - Siberian Bugloss Jack Frost sky-blue flowers,silver leaves with green ribs 30...40 -,,- V 5,00
Looking Class sky-blue flowers, silver leaves 30...40 -,,- V 5,00
Silver Heart . sky-blue flowers, silver leaves, rich flowering cultivar 30...40 -,,- V 5,00
Silver Spear# sky-blue flowers,silver leaves with green ribs, rich flowering cultivar 40...50 -,,- V 5,00

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
. . They prefer common or light and dry soil. . . .
B.davidii Empire Blue violet-blue flowers in the long (until 25 cm) spikes 120...150 -,,- VIII/IX 5,00
Butterfly Candy (Little White) # white fragrant flowers in the long spikes, silvery-green leaves 80 -,,- VIII/IX 5,00
Royal Red magenta-red flowers, silvery-green leaves 100...120 -,,- VIII/IX 5,00

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
BUPHTHALMUM . . Common garden soil . , . .
B.salicifolium - Ox-eye Daisy Alpengold* golden,double ray of petals, large blossoms, narrow leaved clumps 50 -,,- VII/VIII 3,00

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
. . Moderately rich, moist, well-drained soil. . . .
C. carpatica - Carpathian bellflower
( Tussock Bellflower)
- blue flowers 20 -,,- VII/IX 3,00
Clips Deep Blue blue flowers, dense and rich flowering 20 -,,- VII/IX 3,00
Clips White white flowers, dense and rich flowering 20 -,,- VII/IX 3,00
C. glomerata - clustered bellflower Acaulis dark violet flowers 50 -,,- VI/VII 3,00
C. punctata f. rubra . long hanging bells in cream, heavily overlaid with purple-pink,
and flecked with red inside
25 -,,- VII/VIII 3,00

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
CENTAUREA - CINERARIA . . Well-drained soil. . . .
C.pulcherrima * - the silver foliage, violet-pink flowers with white center 40 -,,- VIII 3,00

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
CLEMATIS - VIRGIN'S BOWER . . Humus-rich, well-drained soil. . , . .
Cl. integrifolia Mongolian Bells . nodding urn-shaped blue, pink and white flowers, compact plant 35 - ,, - VII/VIII 5,00

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
COREOPSIS - TICKSEED . . Normal soil . . .
C.lanceolata - Lanceleaf Tickseed Sterntaler bright yellow flower with dark brown center,long and rich flowering 60 - ,, - VI/VIII 3,00
C.rosea - Pink Tickseed - lavender-pink flowers with yellow centers, long-blooming 25 - ,, - VI/VIII 3,00

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
CYMBALARIA . . Light garden soil . , . .
C.muralis - Kenilworth Ivy
(ivy-leaved toadflax)
- . creeping or hanging plant, with mauve small flowers, fast-growing 10 - ,, - V/VIII 3,00

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
DELPHINIUM - LARKSPUR . . Well-drained, fertile soil. Need shoring. . . .
D. elatum -Alpine delphinium
(candle Llarkspur)
Black Knight dark violet flowers with black center 150...180 -,,- VII/VIII 5,00
Blue Bird intensive blue flowers with white center in long spikes 120...160 -,,- VII/VIII 3,00
Double Stars . intensive pink shades with white bee semi double flowers 120...160 -,,- VII/VIII 3,00
Galahad large pure white flowers 150...180 -,,- VII/VIII 3,00
King Arthur dark violet flowers with white center in long spikes 120...160 -,,- VII/VIII 5,00
Mini Stars . dwarf and compact color mix, white, pink, blue and violet semi double
60...80 -,,- VII/VIII 3,00
Sky Sensation semidouble light pink flowers with brown eyes in long florets 90 -,,- VII/VIII 5,00

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
DIANTHUS - CARNATION (PINK) . . Light lightly alkaline soil . . .
D. barbatus - Sweet William Midget from white, pink, red and purple to variegated patterns 20 -,,- VI/VIII 3,00
Nigrescens deep red flowers, purple leaves in spring 35 -,,- VI/VIII 3,00
D. deltoides - maiden pink Arctic Fire white flowers with bright red center 20 -,,- VI/VIII 3,00
Brilliant bright red large flowers 20 -,,- VI/VIII 3,00
D. plumarius nanus -
common pink (garden pink)
Desmond bright red flowers with strong floral scent, silvery leaves 30...40 -,,- VI/VIII 3,00
Doris carnation flowers with dark red center and strong floral scent, silvery leaves 30...40 -,,- VI/VIII 3,00
Sweetness white, pink to dark-pink large flowers, long-blooming and
sweet floral scent, mat-like plant
20 -,,- VI/VIII 3,00

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
DICTAMNUS - BURNING BUSH . . Common garden soil. Good herb and honey plant . . .
D. albus - burning bush
(Dittany, Gas Plant)
- purple-pink flowers with purple veins 80...100 -,,- VII 5,00

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
DICENTRA - BLEEDING-HEART . . Humusrich,moist but well-drained soil . . .
D. formosa - western bleeding heart King of Hearts cerise-pink flowers, spring-green foliage 30 -,,- V/VI 5,00
D. spectabilis - Bleeding Heart - . right pink heart-shaped flowers with white bell 50...60 -,,- V/VI 5,00
Alba heart-shaped white flowers 50...60 -,,- V/VI 5,00
Valentine red heart-shaped flowers with white bell 50...60 -,,- V/VI 5,00

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
DIGITALIS - FOXGLOVES . . Common soil . . .
D. purpurea -
common foxglove (purple foxglove)
Camelot Mix white, pink and purple flowers with purple spots 90...120 -,,- VI/VIII 3,00

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
. . Humusrich moderately moist loamy soil . . .
D.meadia - shooting star - pink flowers 40...60 -,,- VI/VII 5,00

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
. . Moisture-retentive but not wet soil, humusrich . . .
D. orientale - Leopard`s bane Leonardo Compact bright yellow daisy-like flowers, compact form 25...50 -,,- V 3,00

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
DRABA - WHITLOW-GRASS . . Well-drained light soil. The first flowers in rock garden on spring. . . .
D. aizoides - yellow whitlow-grass - yellow flowers 5...10 IV,V . 3,00

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
ECHINACEA - CONEFLOWER . . Humusrich soil. Sensitive to moisture in winter. . . .
E. purpurea - Purple coneflower - purple flowers 80...100 -,,- VII/IX 3,00
Magnus . large crimson flowers with bronzed center, good cut flower 100 -,,- VII/IX 5,00
Rainbow Marcella yellow to pink blending flowers 40...60 -,,- VII/IX 5,00
Sunseekers Rainbow different pink color flowers with bronzed center,
compact plant
60...70 -,,- VII/IX 5,00
White Swan ( Alba ) white flowers 60...70 -,,- VII/IX 3,00

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
ECHIUM . . suitable for rock-gardens . . .
E.amoneum Red Feathers russet-red compact flower spikes, narrow foliage,reblooms after dead-heading 35 -,,- V/VIII 3,00

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
ERINUS . . for the rock-gardens . . .
E.alpinus - fairy foxglove (starflower) Doctor Hähnle * clusters of rose-pink flowers, narrow blue-green leaves 10...15 -,,- VI/VII 3,00

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
ECHINOPS GLOBE THISTLE . . Dry soils . . .
E.ritro - southern globethistle Platinum Blue globes of steel-blue flowers, broad prickly leaves 70...90 -,,- VII/VIII 3,00

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
EYNGIUM . . Sandy soil . . .
E.gigatheum - Miss Willmott s ghost Silver Ghost beauty silvery leaves 60 -,,- VII/VIII 3,00

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
EUPATORIUM - JOE PYE WEED . . Humusrich moist soil . . .
E.fortunei - Japanese Joe Pye Weed - small heads of rich pink flowers, claw-shaped, fuzzy green leaves
, tall upright plants,attracts butterflies
90..120 -,,- VIII/IX 5,00

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
EUONYMUS - SPINDLE TREE . . Common soil, warm place.Evergreens - need the cover in winter! . . .
E. fortunei -
wintercreeper (Fortune s spindle)
Emarald'n Gold evergreen matt-forming plant with yellow-green variegated leaves 10...20 -,,- - 3,00
Emerald Gaiety evergreen matt-forming plant with white-green variegated leaves 10...20 -,,- - 3,00
Harlequin evergreen matt-forming plant with white-green variegated leaves 10...20 -,,- - 5,00

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
. . Light, sandy, alkaline soil. Warm place . . .
E. polychroma - cushion spurge* - yellow flowers, green with red shades leaves 40...50 -,,- V/VI 5,00

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
FRANCOA . . Sandy soils . . .
F.sonchifolia - compact racemes with small cup-shaped pink flowers, basal clumps of dark green fuzzy leaves 60...70 -,,- VII/VIII 5,00

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
. . Common garden soil . . .
G.aristata - common blanketflower Arizona Red Shades brilliant red shades flowers with yellow tips ,
rich flowering, uniform and compact habit
30 -,,- VII/VIII 3,00
Arizona Sun brilliant red shades flowers, rich flowering,
uniform and compact habit
30 -,,- VII/VIII 3,00

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
GENTIANA - GENTIAN . . Light, sandy, well-drained soil. . . .
G. asclepiadea -
willow gentian
Pink Swallow trumpet-shaped pink flowers 50...70 -,,- VII/VIII 3,00
G. septemfida var. lagodechiana-
Crest Gentian
Select* rich blue flowers with white throats 5 -,,- VIII/IX 3,00

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
GERANIUM - CRANESBILL . . Common garden soil . . .
G.cinereum - ashy cranesbill Rozanne violet-purple cup-shaped flowers, deep green foliage,
rich flowering all summer
30...50 -,,- VI/IX 3,00
Splendens# magenta pink flowers with dark circle, deep green foliage,
rich flowering all summer
30...50 -,,- VI/IX 3,00
G.phaeum var. phaeum -
dusky cranesbill (mourning widow)
Samobor* deep, brownish purple flowers,green leaves with brownish purple circle 60...90 -,,- VI 3,00
G.sanguineum f. nanum -
bloody carnesbill
( bloody geranium)
- purple flowers,dense mat-form plant, rich flowering all summer 15 -,,- V/IX 3,00
Max Frei . bright violet flowers,dense mat-form plant, rich flowering all summer 15...20 -,,- V/IX 3,00

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
GEUM - AVENS . . Common garden soil . . .
G. coccineum -
dwarf orange avens (red avens)
Koi bright orange-red flowers throught the summer, compact bushy plant 25 -,,- VI/IX 3,00

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
GILLENIA - . . Common garden soil . . .
G. trifoliata -
Bowman s root
- pale pink flowers , red coloured stems 100 -,,- VI/VII 5,00

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
GLOBULARIA . . for the rock-gardens . . .
G. cordifolia -
heart-leaved globe daisy *
- with spherical, fluffy, pale lilac flowers 10...15 -,,- VI/IX 3,00
G. punctata
- with spherical, fluffy, pale lilac flowers 15...20 -,,- VI/IX 3,00

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
. . Sandy well-drained soil . . .
G. tataricum - German statice
(Tatarian Sea-lavender)
- the prickly heads of tiny white flowers (suitable for dry compositions)
low rosette of leathery green leaves
45 -,,- VII/IX 3,00

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
GYPSOPHILA - BABY'S-BREATH . . Common well-drained soil . . .
G.cerastioides -
chickweed baby`s-breath *
- a small tufted plant with with flowers, for rock-gardens 8 -,,- VI/VII 3,00
G.paniculata - baby's-breath White Festival many white double flowers, greyish green leaves 50 -,,- VII...VIII 3,00
G.repens - greeping baby's-breath Rosea low mat of blue-green leaves with masses of small starry, light pink,
fragant, single flowers (excellent for rock-gardens)
15 -,,- VI/VIII 3,00

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
HELENIUM - SNEEZEWEED . . Common well-drained garden soil . . .
Ruby Tuesday . bright red flowers with yellow or brown center 50...60 -,,- VII...VIII 3,00

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
. . Undemanding. Poor sandy soil . . .
H.helianthoides var. scabra - golden-yellow flowers, green leaves 120...150 -,,- VII/VIII 3,00
Burning Hearts golden-yellow flowers with brown circle in center and
with purple-green leaves
120 -,,- VII/VIII 3,00

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
. . soil rich in humus . . .
H. niger - Christmas rose (black hellebore) # - white flowers with green center , dark green leathery leaves 30...50 -,,- V 5,00
H. orientalis - lenten rose
Pretty Ellen Spotted # from creamy-white buds open creamy flowers flecked with dark red spots ,
dark green leathery leaves
30...50 -,,- V 5,00

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
HEMEROCALLIS - DAYLILY . . good soil that does not dry out . . .
Brilliant Circle # cream-colored big flowers with red throat 50 -,,- VI/VIII 3,50
Cosmopolitan orange flowers 40...50 -,,- VII/VIII 3,50
House of Orange bright orange flowers with yellow throat 60...70 -,,- VII/VIII 3,50
Lavender Blue Baby large lilac ruffled flower with violet-blue circle and yellow throat 50...60 -,,- VII/VIII 3,50
Little Cadet large and curly creamy-yellow flowers with deep red throats,
repeatedly flowering
40...50 -,,- VII/VIII 3,50
Longfield Beauty large and curly white flowers with pink shadow and a green lemon throats,
repeatedly flowering
40...50 -,,- VII/VIII 3,50
Mini Pearl melon pink flowers with a buttery yellow watermark, a green lemon throat 40 -,,- VI/VII 3,50
Mini Stella lemon-colored big flowers 20...25 -,,- VI/VIII 3,50
Purple de Oro dark burgundy-red flowers with yellow throat, rich flowering 30...60 -,,- VI/VIII 3,50
Siloam Grace Stamile . red-colored flower with green-yellow throat 30...40 -,,- VI/VII 3,50
Stella de Oro golden flowers, nestled in among narrow foliage, repeatedly flowering 35 -,,- VI/IX 3,50

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
. . Light,coarse, fertil soil . . .
H.xhybrida Lime Marmalade lemon yellow ruffled leaves, white flowers 25...30 -,,- VI/VII 5,00
Marmalade with flowers, orange to pink colored leaves 30...60 -,,- VI/VII 5,00
Miracle light pink flowers, nice yellow-green leaves with vinaceous center 20...30 -,,- VI/VII 5,00
Melting Fire white flowers, dark red ruffled leaves 40 -,,- VII/VIII 5,00
Venus# white raceme,decorative silvery leaves wih dark red veins 30...40 -,,- VI/VII 5,00
H. sanguinea - Coral Bells Paris large showy, intense blood red flowers,silvery green leaves, compact mounding growth habit 30...40 -,,- VI/VIII 3,00

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
HIERACIUM - HAWKWEED . . Common light garden soil . . .
H.villosum * - yellow large flowers, silver-grey leaves 30 -,,- VII 3,00

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
. . Rich,moist, neutral, well-drained soil . . .
hosta fortunei Blue Vision . white flowers , a thick rich blue, cupped and heavily corrugated leaves 50...60 -,,- VII 5,00
Whirlwind violet flowers, white leaves with infrequent green margins 30...50 -,,- VII 5,00
H. undulata Mediovariegata light violet flowers, narrow white leaves with green margins 40...50 -,,- VII 5,00
H. x hybrida - Hybrids August Moon pale violet flowers, a classic gold to chartreuse hosta with corrugated leaves 50 -,,- VII 5,00
Autumn Frost lavender flowers, heart-shaped blue leaves of good substance
with a wide yellow margin that turns creamy
35...40 -,,- VII 5,00
Blue Mouse Ears pale violet-pink flowers, an adorable small hosta with thick, heart-shaped,
blue-green to grey-green leaves
15 -,,- VII 5,00
Fire and Ice lavender flowers, pure white leaves with dark green border 25/30 -,,- VII 5,00
First Frost lavender flowers, blue-green leaves with creamy edgins 20...25 -,,- VII 5,00
Gold Standard pale violet flowers,open lime green but age to pale yellow leaves
with green margins
60 -,,- VII 5,00
Golden Tiara purple flowers , dull green leaves edged in golden green 40 -,,- VII 5,00
Gypsy Rose . pale violet flowers, dull green leaves with clear-cut yellow spots on the mid 30 -,,- VII 5,00
June# pale violet flowers,lemon yellow leaves with greens margins 35...45 -,,- VII 5,00
Mama Mia pale violet flowers, green leaves with yellow margins 30...60 -,,- VII 5,00
Summer Breeze lavender flowers, dark green leaves with broad yellow margins 40...45 -,,- VII 5,00
White Feather at first white leaves turn to pale green with green nervures 25...35 -,,- VII 5,00

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
HOUTTUYNIA . . Moist soil. Need cover in winter!Beauty color leaves . . .
H.cordata - fish mint (chameleon plant) Cameleon* a good ground cover plant with strikingly variegated
in red, cream, pink and green
20 -,,- - 3,00

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
. . Well-drained light soil. Need cover in winter!Beauty flowers . . .
H.mairei - dwarf hardy gloxinia - beautiful dark pink trumpet flowers 40 -,,- VI 5,00

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
INULA . . Undemanding and richly flowering plants . . .
I.ensifolia * - yellow flowers 20...25 - ,, - VI/IX 3,00

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
IRIS - IRIS . . Good fertile, moderately moist soil. Siberian flag and Yellow flag
will grow in a wet soil and in shallow water.
. .
I. pumila - pumila dwarf bearded iris
(pygmy iris)
- Brassie golden flowers, dwarf and early blooming plants 25 -,,- V 3,50
Cherry Garden deep purple flowers 20...30 -,,- V..VI 3,50
Petit Polka white flowers with lilac margin 25...30 -,,- V..VI 3,50
Red Heart purple-red flowers whith white-yellow throats 20...30 -,,- V..VI 3,50
I.sibirica - Siberian flag (Siberian iris) Harpswell Happiness big white flowers with yellow throats 80 -,,- VI/VII 3,50
Regency Belle large bright blue flowers with white throats 60...80 -,,- VI/VII 3,50
Tumble Buck large burgundy-red double flowers with yellow throats 70...80 -,,- VI/VII 3,50
I.x germanica - common flag (German iris) cultivars different colours 60...70 -,,- VI...VII 3,50

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
. . Common garden soil, warm place . . .
K.hirsuta Firedance coral red, turning yellow, dense spikes, compact habit, narrow
rough foliage, dense clumps, best winterhardy cultivar
50 - ,, - VII/IX 5,00

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
LAVENDULA - LAVENDER . . Light well-drained soil. Don't survive in wet condition in winter . . .
L. angustifolia - Lavender Arctic Snow white flowers,silvery foliage 60...80 - ,, - VI/IX 3,00
Hidcote dark blue flowers,silvery foliage 40...60 - ,, - VI/IX 3,00

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
LEUCANTHEMUM . . Common garden soil . . .
L.maximum - max chrysanthemum Luna * ball-shape bushy white flower with yellow center 50 -,,- VI...VIII 5,00
Starburst brilliant white with yellow disk 60...70 -,,- VI...VIII 3,00
L.superbum - Shasta daisy Brightside brilliant white with yellow disk 50...60 -,,- VI...VIII 3,00
Fiona Coghill large double flowers with pale yellow disk 80...90 -,,- VI...VIII 3,00

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
LEWISIA - BITTER ROOT . . Light, exellent-drained soil,don't survive in wet soil. Warm place . . .
Lewisia cotydelon - rich pink flowers with white narrow margins, evergreen 5...10 -,,- V 3,00
Lewisia longipetala Little Tutti-Frutti* . mix of brilliant new colors: yellow-orange, red-purple, pink-white;
large flowering, short upright stems, lanceolate leaves, strong rosettes
15 -,,- V 3,00

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
. . Most soils . . .
L. scariosa - devil s bite
(nothern gayfeather)
Alba white flowers, dense blossom heads with globular flowers , excellent cutflower 90 - ,, - VIII/X 3,00
L. spicata - dense blazing star
(pairie gayfeather)
Alba white flowers, dense blossom heads, excellent cutflower 60...90 - ,, - VII/VIII 3,00
Kobold bright purple flowers incrowded fluffy spikes 60...80 - ,, - VII/VIII 3,00

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
LIGULARIA - LEOPARD PLANT . . Good, fertile soil . . .
L. dentata - sumer ragwort (leopardplant) Othello # orange-yellow flowerheads,heavily green leaves turn to bronze, maroon 60...90 - ,, - VIII/IX 5,00

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
LUPINUS - LUPIN (LUPINE) . . Well-drained sandy or clay soils . . .
L. nanus- sky lupin (dwarf lupin) Gallery Mix tall white, yellow, pink and violet flowerheads,compact habit 50 - ,, - VI/VII 3,00
Gallery Red tall red flowerheads,compact habit 50 - ,, - VI/IX 3,00
Gallery Yellow tall yellow flowerheads,compact habit 50 - ,, - VI/IX 3,00

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
. . Light, well-drained soil. Warm place . . .
L. alpina - alpine catchfly - deep pink flowers, small cushion with narrow leaves 10 -,,- VI/VII 3,00
L. viscaria splendens -
sticky catchfly
Feuer ( Firebird) magenta double flowers 50 -,,- V/VI 3,00

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
L. punctata - spotted loosestrife - . brilliant yellow starry flowers 70 - ,, - VI/VII 3,00

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
LYTHRUM . . Moist soils . . .
L. salicaria - purple loosestrife Robert pink flowers in upright panicles 70...90 - ,, - VII/X 3,00

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
MONARDA - BEE BALM . . Common garden soil . . .
M.didyma - scarlet beebalm Fireball scarlet flowers, dense plant 30...45 -,,- VI...VIII 3,00

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
NEPETA - CATNIP (CATMINT) . . Common garden soil . . .
N. x faassenii - Faassen s catnip Junior Walker * trumpet-shaped, violetblue flowers, from spring through autumn 30...60 -,,- VI...VIII 3,00

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
. . Well-drained soil, warm place. . . .
O.missouriensis - Ozark sundrops
(Missouri primrose)*
- large lemon-yellow flowers, long-flowering 10...20 -,,- VII/VIII 5,00

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
OMPHALODES - NAVELWORT . . Undemanding greeping plant . . .
O.verna - Blue-eyed-Mary
(creeping navelwort) *
- bright blue flowers with white eyes 10...20 -,,- V 3,00

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
PACHYSANDRA . . Creeping evergreen perennial - need cover in winter! . . .
Japanese pachysandra (carpet box)
Green Sheen good ground evergreen cover 10...20 -,,- VII 5,00

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
PAEONIA - PEONY . . Good, fertile, moderately moist soil. . . .
P.Itoh - Itoh-paeonia Yellow Crown big double yellow flowers with orange hearts, longflowering 60...70 -,,- VI 20,00
P.lactiflora - common garden peony
(Chinese peony)
Candy Stripe # big double white flowers with magenta pink lines , very fragrant 80...90 -,,- VI 15,00
Eliza Lundi# big double scarlet flowers, very fragrant 80...90 -,,- VI 10,00
Elsa Sass # big double pure white flowers, very fragrant 80...90 -,,- VI 10,00
Kansas large fuchsine-red double flowers, very fragrant 80...90 -,,- VI 10,00
Pietertje Vriend Wagenaar # big double pink flowers flecked with bright pink, very fragrant 80...90 -,,- VI 10,00
Santa Fe large fuchsine-red double flowers with white stamens, very fragant 80...90 -,,- VI 10,00
Sarah Bernardt large light-pink flowers, very fragant 80...90 -,,- VI 10,00
Shirley Temple large white flowers, very fragant 60...80 -,,- VI 10,00

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
PENSTEMON - BEARDTONGUES . . Light, well-drained soil. Cover in winter, short-lived (about 5 year) . . .
P. barbatus praecox nanus -
Golden-beard penstemon
(Beardlip penstemon)
Rondo racemes with pink,red and violet flowers 40 -,,- VII/IX 3,00

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
PEROVSKIA . . dry soil, sunny place . . .
P. atriplicifolia - Russian sage Blue Spire violet-blue tiny flowers in up-side panicles, silvery leaves 90 -,,- VII/IX 5,00
Lacey Blue blue tiny flowers in up-side panicles, silvery leaves 40...50 -,,- VII/IX 5,00

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
PHLOX . . . . . .
P. divaricata - wild blue phlox . . Common soil . . .
Blue Moon blue smelly flowers with five petals fused at the base into a thin tube, long time flowering 20...40 - ,, - VI/VII 3,00
P. douglasii - tufted phlox (Columbia phlox) . . Light, well-drained soil.Evergreen- need cover in winter . . .
Red Admiral * bright red flowers, mat-forming plant 15 - ,, - V/VI 3,00
P. paniculata - summer phloks
(perennial phloks)
. . Good, fertile, moderately moist soil that never dries out. . . .
Blue Paradise large heads of deep blue or violet-blue flowers with white eyes 60...90 - ,, - VII/IX 3,00
Early White pure white flowers in large heads ,
30...45 - ,, - VII/IX 3,00
Larissa pink flowers with deeper colour eyes in large heads,
70...80 - ,, - VII/VIII 3,00
Orange Perfection orange flowers with deeper colour eyes in large heads 60...80 - ,, - VII/VIII 3,00
Purple Eye Flame# violet flowers with white eyes in large heads,
compact plant, mildew-resistent
40 - ,, - VII/VIII 3,00
Red Flame large heads of bright red flowers with dark red eyes,
compact plant, mildew-resistent
40...50 - ,, - VII/VIII 3,00
Younique Orange# orange flowers with deeper colour eyes in large heads
compact plant, mildew-resistent
40...45 - ,, - VII/VIII 3,00
P. subulata -
moss phlox (creeping phlox)
. . Light, well-drained soil.Evergreen- need cover in winter 5...10 . .
Benita #* lilac-purple flowers, forming a dense mat 10...15 - ,, - V/VI 3,00
Coral Eye carnation red flowers with dark pink center, forming a dense mat 10...15 - ,, - V/VI 3,00
McDaniel s Cushion # mauve red flowers, forming a dense mat 10 - ,, - V/VI 3,00

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
PHYSOSTEGIA - LIONSHEARTS . . Moist, well-drained soil. Propagate quicly with suckers . . .
P. virginiana -
obedient plant (false dragonhead)
Alba . white flowers 40...50 -,,- VII/X 3,00
Rosea . lilac flowers in erect terminal spikes 75 -,,- VII/VIII 3,00
Variegata bright pink flowers in erect terminal spikes ,white and green variegated foliage 75 -,,- VII/VIII 3,00

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
. . Any well-drained soil . . .
P. grandiflorus Hakone Blue sky blue double flowers 50...60 -,,- VII/VIII 3,00

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
. . Undemanding . . .
P. reptans - american Greek valerian
( creeping polemonium)
Blue Pearl bright blue flowers 80 -,,- VI/VIII 3,00

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
. . rock gardens . . .
P. x hybrida - horticultural hybrid Gibson s Scarlet bright red with dark heart flowers 40...50 -,,- VII/VIII 3,00

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
PRIMULA - PRIMROSE . . Fertile,moist but well-drained soil . . .
P. japonica - Japanese primrose - pink to violet flowers,lush lightgreen leaves 40...50 -,,- VI 3,00
P.x pubescens - flowers in muted shades violet blue, with a contrasting soft-yellow eye 20..25 -,,- V..VI 3,00

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
PRUNELLA - SELFHEAL . . All well-drained soils . . .
P. grandiflora -
large-flowered selfheal
Rubra carmine red large flower spikes, long-flowering, medicinal herb 20...30 -,,- VI/VIII 3,00

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
PULSATILLA - PASQUE FLOWER . . Light, moderately moist to dry soil (rockeries) . . .
P. vulgaris - common pasque flower - violet flowers 25...35 -,,- IV/V 3,00
Alba white flowers 30 -,,- IV/V 3,00
Papageno . red, white, pink or violet frayed flowers 30 -,,- IV/V 3,00
Rubra purple flowers 30 -,,- IV/V 3,00

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
RUDBECKIA - CONEFLOWER . . Common soil . . .
R.fulgida - orange coneflower Goldsturm bright yellow flowers with dark brown centre 60...70 -,,- VIII/IX 3,00
R.hirta - black-eyed susan* - bright yellow flowers with dark brown centre 50...60 -,,- VIII/IX 3,00

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
SALVIA - SAGE . . Well-drained, light-textured soil . . .
S. nemorosa - woodland sage Caradonna . dark violet flowers , rich flowering, reblooms after dead heading 50...70 -,,- VII/VIII 3,00
Midnight Rose #* bright pink flowers, rich flowering, reblooms after dead heading,
very compact plant
20...30 -,,- VII/VIII 3,00
Rose Queen bright pink flowers, rich flowering, reblooms after dead heading 25...30 -,,- VII/VIII 3,00
Schwellenburg #* flourishing violet flowers, reblooms after dead heading 40...60 -,,- VII/VIII 3,00
Sensation White white flowers , rich flowering, reblooms after dead heading 30...50 -,,- VII/VIII 3,00
Violet Queen . violet flowers , rich flowering, reblooms after dead heading 40 -,,- VII/VIII 3,00
S.pratensis - meadow sage
(meadow clary)
Rose Rhapsody pale pink shades flowers in dense flower heads, rich flowering,
reblooms after dead heading
50 -,,- VII/VIII 3,00
Sky Dance light blue flowers in dense flower heads, rich flowering,
reblooms after dead heading
50 -,,- VII/VIII 3,00
Swan Lake . white flowers in dense flower heads, rich flowering,
reblooms after dead heading
50 -,,- VII/VIII 3,00
Sweet Esmeralda intensive dark pink flowers in dense flower heads, rich flowering,
reblooms after dead heading
50 -,,- VII/VIII 3,00

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
SANGUISORBA - BURNET . . Well-drained, light-textured soil . . .
S. officinalis - great burnet - strawberry red flower buds 70...80 - ,, - VII/VIII 3,00

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
SAPONARIA - SOAPWORT . . Light, sandy soils . . .
S.oxymoides - rock soapwort * - spreading carpet of bright-green leaves and by starry bright-pink flowers 30 -,,- V/VI 3,00

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
SAXIFRAGA - SAXIFRAGE . . Undemanding evergreen mat-form plant . . .
S. umbrosa - Pyrenean saxifrage Aureo-punctata * white flowers with red throats, yellow-spotted green leaves 25...30 -,,- VI/VII 3,00

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
SEDUM - STONECROP . . Light-textured, porous soil. Undemanding evergreen mat-form plant
. . .
S.cauticola - cliff stonecrop - pinkish red flowers, violet foliage 5...10 -,,- VII 2,00
S. kamtchaticum -
Kamschatka stonecrop
- yellow flowers, bushy plant 40 -,,- VI/VII 2,00
S. kamtchaticum ssp. middedorfianum - yellow flowers 25...30 -,,- VII/VIII 2,00
S. spurium - Caucasian stonecrop - pink to red flowers, green or purple foliage 5...10 -,,- VII 2,00

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
SISYRINCHIUM . . Undemanding,self-seeding plant . . .
S. angustifolium (S. graminoides) -
blue-eyed grass
- blue flowers with yellow throats 15...20 - ,, - V/VI 3,00

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
SOLDANELLA - SNOWBELL . . Tavaline(kergem) aiamuld . . .
S. alpina - alpine snowbell* - . light blue flowers, pretty early flowered small plant 10 - ,, - V/VI 3,00

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
TANACETUM - TANSIES . . Undemanding plant, propagate with suckers . . .
T. - . yellow flowers 50...60 -,,- VI/VII 3,00
T. coccineum - painted daisy
(garden pyrethrum)
- . single pink to purple flowers 40...90 - ,, - VI/VII 3,00
Robinson's Red big bright red flowers 60 - ,, - VI 3,00

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
THALICTRUM - MEADOW-RUE . . Any well-drained soil . . .
T. aquilegifolium -
greater meadow-rue
- pink or white flowers in fluffy clusters 120 -,,- VI/VII 3,00
Nimbus White white flowers with pink shadow, large racemes on dark stems 60...70 -,,- VI/VII 5,00
T. delavayi- Chinese meadow-rue Alba pure white little flowers in large clouds 55 -,,- VII/IX 5,00
Hewitt`s Double double little mauve flowers with yellow centres in large clouds 120...150 -,,- VIII/X 5,00

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
TRICYRTIS - TOAD LILY . . Light soil, warm place . . .
T.hirta - hairy toad lily * - . soft lilac with large purple spots orchid-like blossoms 50 -,,- VIII/IX 3,00

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
TROLLIUS - GLOBEFLOWER . . Moist and good soils . . .
T.chinensis Golden Queen golden-orange bowl-shaped flowers with darker heart, dark green foliage 75...90 -,,- VI/VII 5,00
T.x cultorum - aed-kullerkupp Etna golden-orange bowl-shaped flowers, dark green foliage 55...70 -,,- VI/VII 5,00

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
VERBASCUM - MULLEIN . . Light, well-drained soil, warm place . . .
V.chaixii - Nettle-leaved Mullein Sixteen Candles golden flowers with violet filaments, richly branched flower stems 100 -,,- VII/VIII 3,00
V.chaixii f.album Wedding Candles pure white flowers with violet filaments, multi-branched flower stems 100 -,,- VII/VIII 3,00

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
VERBENA - VERBENA . . Moist, but well-drained soil . . .
V.bonariensis - urpletop vervain Lollipop # rose-purple flowers, good-branched plants 60 -,,- VI/IX 3,00
V.hastata - Blue Vervain Blue Spires multi-branching candelabra-like dark blue flower heads 120 -,,- VII/IX 3,00

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
VERONICA - SPEEDWELL . . Undemanding plant . . .
V. spicata - Spiked Speedwell Anniversary Blue blue flowers 40...60 -,,- VII/VIII 3,00
Anniversary Rose pink flowers 40...60 -,,- VII/VIII 3,00
Rose Zwerg violet-pink flowers 40 -,,- VII/VIII 3,00

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
VERONICASTRUM . . Undemanging plat . . .
V. virginiana - Culver`s root Red Arrows violet-pink flowers 90...100 -,,- VII/IX 5,00

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
VIOLA - VIOLET (PANSY) . . Undemanding plant . . .
V. sororia - Woolly Blue Violet Freckles * white flowers with violet spots 15 -,,- V/VI 3,00

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
. . Undemanding and rich flowered plants . . .
W. ternata - . yellow flowers like strawberry, so leaves
10...15 - ,, - V/VI 3,00


Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
BOUTELOUA - GRAMA GRASS . - Undemanding grass, light dry soil . . .
B. gracilis - blue grama - clumps of narrow and blue-green leaves
with interesting horizontal heads
40...60 -,,- VI/VII 3,00

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
CALAMAGROSTIS- RED GRASS . - Any moist soil . .
C. x acutiflora - feather red grass England variegated yellow-green leaves, dense robust clumps 80...100 -,,- VII 5,00
Overdam * variegated white-green leaves, dense robust clumps 60...70 - ,, - VII 3,00

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
CAREX - SEDGE . - Common or any moist soil . . .
C.morrowii - Japanese sedge Ice Dance evergreen glossy leaves with white margins,
propagate with runners
30 -,,- VI 3,00
C.ornithopoda Variegata evergreen glossy leaves with creamy-white margins ,
clump-forming plant
30 -,,- VI 3,00

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
. - Medium or moist well-drained soil . . .
D.cespitosa - tufted hairgrass Schottland fine textured dark green leaves and thin stems topped
with sprays of airy delicate flowers
100...120 -,,- VII/VIII 3,00

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
FESTUCA - FESCUE . . Any well-drained soil . . .
F. glauca - blue fescue
(gray fescue)
Elijah Blue * very narrow silver-blue leaves , compact tuft plant 20...30 - ,, - VII 3,00

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
KOELERIA- JUNEGRASS . . Common or light soil . . .
K.glauca- blue hair grass * - narrow blue leaves, dense clumps 30...40 - ,, - VII 3,00

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
LUZULA - WOODRUSH . . Any soil types . - .
L.nivea - snowy woodrush - the narrow grassy leaves are edged with white hairs, flowers 30...40 VI/VIII 2,00
L.sylvatica - great woodrush Sherwood evergreen glossy fresh-green leaves 30...40 -,,- VI/VII 3,00

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
MISCANTHUS - SILVERGRASS . . Common well-drained soil . . .
M.sinensis - Chinese silver grass Gracillimus Nana narrow green leaves with a silver midrib, arching clump 90...100 - ,, - IX/X 5,00
Strictus Dwarf * clump-forming grass with horizontally banded foliage,
tiny gray-purple flowers turn later to wine purple
80...100 - ,, - VIII/IX 5,00
Variegatus narrow green leaves with a white midrib , carnation flowers,
undemanding and longlasting plant
150...200 - ,, - VIII/IX 5,00

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
MOLINIA- MOOR GRASS . . Moist, rich, acid soil . . .
M.caerulea - purple moor-grass Heidebraut * dense clump with narrow grayish green leaves ,green flowerheads turn
to purple later, undemanding and longlasting plant
100...120 - ,, - VIII/IX 3,00
Variegata dense clump with narrow green leaves with white midribs, green flowerheads turn to purple later, undemanding and longlasting plant 50...70 - ,, - VIII/IX 3,00

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
PANICUM -PANICGRASS . - Common garden soil - . .
P.virgatum - switchgrass Hot Rod a fine-textured compact and upright clump topped
with a haze of burgundy red seed heads in late summer
90...100 . VIII/IX 5,00
Squaw #* a fine-textured compact and upright clump topped
with a haze of burgundy red seed heads in late summer
90...100 VIII/IX 5,00

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
PHALARIS . - Moist garden soils that do not dry out in summer - . .
P. arundinacea - gardener's-garters
( reed canary grass)
Picta . white-striped leaves, propagate with runners 80...100 - ,, - VII/VIII 3,00

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
POA - MEADOW-GRASS . . Dry soil, for the rock garden . . .
P.glauca - glaucous meadow-grass Blue Hills delicate ornamental grass with narrow blue-green leaves,
loose arching spikes
25 - ,, - VII/VIII 3,00

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
SCHIZACHYRIUM . . dry well-drained soil - . .
S.scoparium - little bluestem Blue Heaven grey-blue clumps turn to purple in autumn, silvery clusters 50...80 . VIII/IX 5,00

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
SESLERIA . - Well-drained soil, neutral to slightly alkaline. - . .
S.heufleriana * - half-evergreen densy clumps, blackish blue
clusters early in spring
40...50 - ,, - IV/V 3,00

Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
. - Dry and well-drained soil . . . .
S.gigantea - Golden Oats - linear, pleated leaves, panicles of flat spikelets 200 VII/VIII 5,00


Name Cultivar Picture Description/ Habitat requirements Height cm Lighting requirements Month of flowering Price EUR
DRYOPTERIS - SHIELD FERN . - Moist, humus-rich soil - . .
D. filix-mas - male fern Crispa-Cristata light-green beautiful dense clump with double-fissiled leaves 40...50 . - 5,00

NB! Prices maybe different on place!