Alder Birch Deutzia Hazel Kerria Oak Rowan Walnut Tree
Andromeda Box Dogwood Hawthorn Lilac Pea Shrub Smoketree Willow
Apple Chokeberry Elderberry Holly Lime Tree Pear Snowy Mespilus Weigela
Aspen Cinquefoil Elm Hornbeam Magnolia Pearl Bush Spiraea .
Barberry Clethra Flowering Quince Horse Chesnut Mahonia Privet Spindle Tree .
Beautyberry Currant Forsythia Hydrangea Maple Prunus Stephanandra .
Beauty Bush Cork Tree Fothergilla Kalmia Mock Orange Redbud Sumac .
Beech Cotoneaster Golden rain Katsura Tree Ninebark Rose Tree Viburnum .


Actinidia Dutchman's Pipe Honeysuckle Hydrangea Peavine
Clematis Grape Wine Humulus Ivy Woodbine

* - since June
# - new this year

Name Cultivar Picture Height of the transplant (cm) Container(L) Price EUR
ACER - MAPLE . . . . .
A. campestre - Field maple (Hedge maple) - h = 100...150 10 15,00
- . h = 150...200 20 25,00
- . h = 200...250 30 35,00
- . h = 250...300 30 57,00
A. x conspicuum - snakebark maple Phoenix # h = 80...120 7 40,00
A. ginnala (A.tataricum ssp. ginnala) -
Amur maple
- h = 50...70 3 7,00
- . h = 70...100 5 15,00
- . h = 100...120 7 20,00
- . h = 120...150 15 30,00
A. negundo - box elder (boxelder maple) Flamingo h = 50...60 5 10,00
- . h = 80...100 15 20,00
- . h = 120...150 15 30,00
A. palmatum - Japanese maple Atropurpureum . h = 40...60 5 10,00
- . h = 60...80 15 20,00
Beni Maiko # h = 30...50 5 10,00
A. platanoides - Norway maple - . h = 150...200 10... 15,00...25,00
Columnare h = 80...100 25 30,00
. h = 200...250 45 57,00
- ,, - . h = 250...300 65 80,00
Crimson King h = 100...150 7 15,00...25,00
Crimson Sentry h = 100...150 20 30,00
- ,, - . h = 200...250 45 57,00
- ,, - . h = 250...300 65 80,00
- ,, - . h = 300...350 85 100,00
Drummondii h = 200...250 45 57,00
- ,, - . h = 250...300 65 80,00
- ,, - . h = 300...350 80 100,00
Emerald Queen h = 200...250 45 57,00
- ,, - . h = 250...300 65 80,00
Faassens Black# h = 80...100 25 30,00
Globosum grafting h = 180...200 45 80,00
Palmatifidum h = 80...120 20 30,00
Paldiski # * h = 80...120 20 30,00
Princeton Gold h = 100...150 20 30,00
- ,, - . h = 150...200 30 45,00
Royal Red h = 100...150 20 30,00
- ,, - . h = 150...200 30 55,00
- ,, - . h = 200...250 45 65,00
- ,, - . h = 250...300 65 80,00
- ,, - . h = 300...350 110 100,00
A. pseudoplatanus - sycamore (sycamore maple) Brilliantissimum # * h = 80...100 10 30,00
Esk Sunset # * h = 80...100 10 30,00
Nizettii h = 70...100 3...5 10,00
- ,, - . h = 100...150 10 20,00
Prinz Handjery # * h = 80...100 10 30,00
Purpureum h = 100...150 7 15,00
- ,, - . h = 150...200 15 25,00
- ,, - . h = 200...250 20 35,00
- ,, - . h = 250...300 45 57,00
Regal Petticoat (Tunpetti) h = 100...150 10 30,00
A. rubrum - red maple Celebration h = 120...150 10 20,00
- ,, - . h = 150...200 20 30,00
Red Sunset h = 150...200 20 30,00
A. saccharinum - silver maple Laciniatum Wieri # * h = 80...100 5 10,00
Pyramidale h = 80...100 5 10,00
- ,, - . h = 200...250 25 30,00
A.x freemanii - Freeman Maple Autumn Blaze h = 80...100 5 10,00
- ,, - . h = 100...150 15 20,00
- ,, - . h = 150...200 25 30,00

Name Cultivar Picture Height of the transplant (cm) Container(L) Price EUR
. . . . .
A.x carnea - red horse-chestnut Briotti h = 80...100 10 20,00
A. hippocastanum - horse chestnut - h = 100...150 5 15,00
- . h = 150...200 10 25,00
- . h = 200...250 20 30,00
- . h = 250...300 25 50,00
Alek . h = 120...150 20 30,00
Baumannii h = 150...200 25 40,00
- ,, - . h = 200...250 45 50,00
- ,, - . h = 250...300 65 70,00
Laciniata h = 80...120 15 25,00
A. pavia- red buckeye Rosea Nana # h = 30...50 5 30,00

Name Cultivar Picture Height of the transplant (cm) Container(L) Price EUR
ALNUS - ALDER . . . . .
A.glutinosa - common alder (black alder) Pyramidalis . h = 150...200 45 30,00

Name Cultivar Picture Height of the transplant (cm) Container(L) Price EUR
. . . . .
A.alnifolia - saskatoon ( Pacific serviceberry,
western serviceberry)
Sleyt h = 70...100 5 10,00
Smokey h = 50...70 5 10,00
- ,, - . h = 70...100 5 15,00
A.canadensis - bilberry
(Canadian serviceberry)
Prince William # * h = 80...100 5 10,00
A.lamarckii - juneberry ( serviceberry,
- . h = 80...100 5 10,00

Name Cultivar Picture Height of the transplant (cm) Container(L) Price EUR
A. melanocarpa - black chokeberry - . h = 60...80 cm 5 5,00
Aron# * h = 30...50 5 10,00
Hugin h = 30...50 5 10,00
to be grafted onto a Rowan (Sorbus aucuparia) - h = 150...200 10... 25,00...50,00
A. prunifolia - purple chokeberry
Viking . h = 30...50 5 10,00

Name Cultivar Picture Height of the transplant (cm) Container(L) Price EUR
B. thunbergii - Thunberg s barberry
(Japanese barberry)
Admiration . h = 30...50 5 10,00
Atropurpurea h = 30...50 5 5,00
Bagatelle h = 15...20 3 5,00
Carmen h = 30...50 3 5,00
Golden Ring . h = 30...50 3 10,00
Golden Rocket . h = 20...40 5 10,00
Green Carpet h = 15...25 3 5,00
Flamingo # h = 20...30 3 10,00
Harlequin . h = 20...30 3 5,00
Kobold h = 15...20 3 5,00
Lutin Rouge * h = 20...30 3 5,00
Neon Gold # * h = 20...30 3 5,00
Orange Carpet h = 20...30 3 5,00
Orange Rocket h = 30...50 3 5,00
- ,, - . h = 50...80 5 10,00
Orange Tower # h = 30...50 3 10,00
Red Chief . h = 30...50 3 5,00
Red Rocket h = 30...40 3 5,00
- ,, - . h = 40...60 5 10,00
- ,, - . h = 60...80 7 15,00
Rose Glow h = 30...50 3 5,00
Starburst h = 30...40 3 5,00
Sunsation # * h = 20...30 3 5,00
B. vulgaris - Common Barberry Atropurpurea h = 30...40 3 3,00

Name Cultivar Picture Height of the transplant (cm) Container(L) Price EUR
BETULA - BIRCH . . . . .
B. pendula - arukask Fastigiata . h = 250...300 60 62,00,00
Fastigiata Joes h = 300...350 60 62,00
Golden Obelisk . h = 60...80 5 20,00
Laciniata h = 80...100 5 20,00
- ,, - . h = 100...150 7 30,00
Purpurea h = 50...70 5 20,00
- ,, - . h = 100...150 7 30,00
Tristis h = 80...100 5 15,00
- ,, - . h = 100...150 7 30,00
Youngii h = 80...100 5 10,00
- ,, - . h = 100...150 7 15,00
- ,, - . h = 150...200 10 20,00
- ,, - . h = 200...250 20 30,00
B.utilis - Himalayan birch Silver Shadow # * h = 100...150 15 30,00

Name Cultivar Picture Height of the transplant (cm) Container(L) Price EUR
BUXUS - BOX . . . . .
B. sempervirens - common box
(European box)
- . h = 20...30 3 5,00
Blauer Heinz . h = 20...30 2 5,00

Name Cultivar Picture Height of the transplant (cm) Container(L) Price EUR
C.bodinieri- Bodinier s Beautyberry Profusion h = 20...40 3 10,00

Name Cultivar Picture Height of the transplant (cm) Container(L) Price EUR
C. arborescens - Siberian peashrub
(Siberian pea-tree)
Pendula ( weeping form,
be grafted onto a standard )
h = 100...150 7,5 20,00
Walker (weeping form,
be grafted onto a standard )
h = 100...150 7,5 20,00

Name Cultivar Picture Height of the transplant (cm) Container(L) Price EUR
C. betulus - common hornbeam
(European hornbeam)
- h = 80...100 5 10,00
- . h = 100...150 7,5 20,00

Name Cultivar Picture Height of the transplant (cm) Container(L) Price EUR
CERCIS - REDBUD . . . . .
C.canadensis - Eastern redbud - h = 30...50 3 15,00

Name Cultivar Picture Height of the transplant (cm) Container(L) Price EUR
C.japonica - katsura tree - h = 50...60 3 10,00
- ,, - . h = 60...80 7 15,00
- ,, - . h = 80...100 10 20,00

Name Cultivar Picture Height of the transplant (cm) Container(L) Price EUR
C.japonica - Japanese quince (Maule`s quince) Cido # h = 20...40 5 5,00
Sargentii h = 30...40 5 5,00
- ,, - . h = 40...60 5 10,00

Name Cultivar Picture Height of the transplant (cm) Container(L) Price EUR
CLETHRA . . . . .
C.alnifolia - summersweet (sweetpepperbush) Ruby Spice h = 30...40 5 5,00
- ,, - . h = 40...60 5 10,00

Name Cultivar Picture Height of the transplant (cm) Container(L) Price EUR
CORNUS - DOGWOOD . . . . .
C. alba - Siberian dogwood
(red barked dogwood)
Aurea h = 30...40 3 3,50
- ,, - . h = 40...60 5 5,00
Elegantissima h = 30...40 3 3,50
- ,, - . h = 40...60 5 5,00
Gouchaultii h = 40...60 5 5,00
Ivory Halo h = 30...40 3 3,50
- ,, - . h = 40...60 5 5,00
Kesselringii h = 30...40 3 3,50
- ,, - . h = 40...60 5 5,00
Red Gnome h = 40...60 5 5,00
Sibirica h = 30...40 3 3,50
Sibirica Variegata . h = 30...40 3 3,50
- ,, - . h = 40...60 5 5,00
Spaethii h = 30...40 3 3,50
- ,, - . h = 40...60 5 5,00
C. mas - cornel (Cornelian cherry) - # h = 20...40 3 5,00
Juliusz # * h = 40...60 5 20,00
Variegata # * h = 60...80 7 30,00
C. sanguinea - common dogwood Midwinter Fire . h = 40...60 5 5,00
C. sericea - red osier dogwood
( red twig dogwood)
White and Gold h = 30...40 3 3,50
- ,, - . h = 40...60 5 5,00

Name Cultivar Picture Height of the transplant (cm) Container(L) Price EUR
CORYLUS - HAZEL . . . . .
C. avellana - common hazel Anny`s Compact Red . h = 40...60 5 20,00
Anny`s Purple Dream # h = 80..120 7 25,00
Contorta h = 70...90 5 15,00
- ,, - . h = 90...120 10 20,00
Fuscorubra h = 60...80 3 10,00
Red Majestic h = 60...80 5 20,00
- ,, - . h = 80...120 10 20,00
Olbrzymi z Halle # . h = 120...160 15 35,00
C. colurna - Turkish hazel Te Terra Red # * h = 60...80 10 25,00
C. maxima - filbert Purpurea # h = 60...80 5 20,00

Name Cultivar Picture Height of the transplant (cm) Container(L) Price EUR
C. coggygria - European smoketree Golden Spirit * h = 30...50 3 10,00
Dusky Maiden h = 30...40 3 10,00
Royal Purple h = 30...50 3 5,00
- ,, - . h = 50...70 5 10,00
Young Lady * h = 30...40 5 10,00
- ,, - . h = 40...60 5 15,00

Name Cultivar Picture Height of the transplant (cm) Container(L) Price EUR
C .horizontalis - rock cotoneaster - h = 15...20 3 5,00
C.lucidus - hedge cotoneaster - . h = 30...50 3 3,00
C.suecicus Coral Beauty . h = 20...30 5 5,00

Name Cultivar Picture Height of the transplant (cm) Container(L) Price EUR
C. submollis - northern red haw
( Quebec hawthorn)
- h = 30...60 3 3,00
C. laevigata - midland hawthorn
( English hawthorn)
Crimson Cloud h = 100...130 7 15,00
- ,, - . h = 130...160 10 25,00
Paul Scarlet (double,
dark red flowers)
h = 50...70 5 10,00
- ,, - . h = 70...100 7 15,00
Rubra Plena (double,
dark pink flowers)
h = 70...100 5 10,00
- ,, - . h = 100...130 7 15,00
C. monogyna - common hawthorn
(single-seeded Hawthorn)
- . h = 30...60 3 3,00
Variegata h = 70...100 7 15,00
- ,, - . h = 100...130 10 25,00

Name Cultivar Picture Height of the transplant (cm) Container(L) Price EUR
D. crenata Nikko # * h = 20...40 3 5,00
D. gracilis - slender deutzia - h = 40...60 5 5,00
Marmorata (Variegata) # . h = 20...30 3 5,00
D. x hybrida Mont Rose h = 40...60 5 5,00
- ,, - . h = 60...80 7 10,00
Strawberry Fields h = 40...60 5 5,00
- ,, - . h = 60...80 7 10,00
D. x kalmiiflora - h = 40...60 5 5,00
D. scabra - fuzzy deutzia Codsall Pink h = 40...60 5 5,00
- ,, - . h = 60...80 7 10,00
Plena h = 40...60 5 5,00
- ,, - . h = 60...80 7 10,00

Name Cultivar Picture Height of the transplant (cm) Container(L) Price EUR
E.alatus - winged spindle (burning bush) Chicago Fire . h = 60...80 7 15,00
Compactus h = 40...60 5 15,00
Fireball . h = 40...60 5 15,00
E.hamiltonianus- Hamilton`s spindletree - h = 50...70 5 10,00
- . h = 70...100 7 15,00
- . h = 100...150 10 25,00

Name Cultivar Picture Height of the transplant (cm) Container(L) Price EUR
E.racemosa - common pearlbush Blushing Pearl # * h = 20...40 3 5,00
Niagara h = 30...40 3 5,00
. . h = 40...60 5 10,00
The Bride . h = 30...40 3 5,00
. . h = 40...60 5 10,00

Name Cultivar Picture Height of the transplant (cm) Container(L) Price EUR
FAGUS - BEECH . . . . .
F.sylvatica - common beech
(European beech)
Aurea Pendula . h = 50...70 5 20,00
Atropunicea h = 50...70 7 10,00
- ,, - . h = 70...100 7 15,00
- ,, - . h = 100...150 10 20,00
Dawyck Gold h = 100...120 7 25,00
Dawyck Purple h = 40...60 5 20,00
Franken # h = 30...50 5 25,00
Laciniata # h = 30...50 5 30,00
Marmorstar h = 60...80 5 30,00
- ,, - . h = 80...100 7 35,00
Purple Fountain h = 40...60 5 15,00
- ,, - . h = 60...80 7 20,00
- ,, - . h = 80...100 7 25,00
- ,, - . h = 180...200 15 50,00
Purpurea Pendula . h = 60...80 7 20,00
Purpurea Tricolor h = 40...60 5 20,00

Name Cultivar Picture Height of the transplant (cm) Container(L) Price EUR
F. x intermedia - Border Forsythia Golden Times h = 30...40 3 3,50
-,,- . h = 40...60 5 5,00
Goldrausch h = 30...50 5 5,00
Kanarek . h = 30...50 5 5,00
Lynwood h = 30...50 3 3,50
-,,- . h = 50...80 5 5,00
Mare o'Dor . h = 30...40 3 3,50
Minigold ( Flojor) # * h = 100...150 3 3,50
Weekend h = 30...50 3 3,50
-,,- . h = 50...80 5 5,00

Name Cultivar Picture Height of the transplant (cm) Container(L) Price EUR
H.arborescens - smooth hydrangea
(wild hydrangea, sevenbark)
Annabelle h = 30...40 3 5,00
-,,- . h = 40...60 7 15,00
- ,, - . h = 60...80 10 20,00
Candybelle Bubblegum h = 30...50 5 10,00
Candybelle Marshmallow h = 30...50 5 10,00
Grandiflora . h = 40...60 5 10,00
Invincibelle (Spirit) h = 50...80 5 10,00
Pink Percussion h = 20...40 3 5,00
-,,- . h = 50...80 5 10,00
-,,- . h = 80...100 7 15,00
H.macrophylla - Big Leaf Hydrangea Early Blue h = 30...50 5 10,00
Forever&Ever Blue* . h = 30...50 3 10,00
Forever&Ever Pink h = 30...50 3 10,00
Forever&Ever Red h = 30...50 3 10,00
Peppermint h = 30...50 3 10,00
-,,- . h = 50...80 7 15,00
You&Me Expression h = 30...50 3 10,00
-,,- . h = 50...80 7 15,00
You&Me Romance h = 30...50 3 10,00
-,,- . h = 50...80 7 15,00
H. paniculata - panicled hydrangea Diamantino h = 30...40 3 5,00
Diamant Rouge (Red Diamond) h = 40...60 5 10,00
Early Sensation h = 30...40 3 5,00
-,,- . h = 40...60 5 10,00
Fraise Melba * h = 30...50 5 10,00
Grandiflora h = 50...80 5 10,00
Limelight h = 30...50 3 5,00
-,,- . h = 50...80 5 10,00
Little Lime (Jane) h = 30...40 3 5,00
-,,- . h = 40...60 5 15,00
Magical Candle . h = 30...40 3 5,00
Mega Pearl h = 30...40 3 5,00
Phantom h = 30...40 3 5,00
-,,- . h = 40...60 5 10,00
Pink Diamond . h = 30...40 3 5,00
-,,- . h = 40...60 5 10,00
Pinky Winky h = 30...40 3 5,00
- ,, - . h = 40...60 5 10,00
Polar Bear h = 30...40 3 5,00
Silver Dollar * h = 30...40 5 10,00
Skyfall * h = 30...40 3 5,00
Sundae Fraise h = 30...40 3 5,00
-,,- . h = 40...60 5 10,00
Tardiva h = 30...50 3 5,00
-,,- . h = 50...80 5 10,00
Vanille Fraise h = 30...40 3 5,00
-,,- . h = 40...60 5 10,00
Wim s Red h = 30...40 3 5,00
-,,- . h = 40...60 5 10,00

Name Cultivar Picture Height of the transplant (cm) Container(L) Price EUR
ILEX - HOLLY . . . . .
I. meservea - blue holly Blue Angel h = 30...40 3 10,00
Blue Prince . h = 40...50 5 15,00
-,,- . h = 50...60 5 20,00

Name Cultivar Picture Height of the transplant (cm) Container(L) Price EUR
J. regia - common walnut (Persian walnut) - h = 50...70 3 10,00

Name Cultivar Picture Height of the transplant (cm) Container(L) Price EUR
KALMIA - KALMIA . . . . .
K. latifolia - Mountain-laurel Beacon h = 25...30 3 15,00
Ginkona h = 25...30 3 15,00
Kaleidoscope h = 25...30 3 15,00
Keepsake h = 25...30 3 15,00
Tadeuz h = 25...30 3 15,00
Zebulon h = 25...30 3 15,00

Name Cultivar Picture Height of the transplant (cm) Container(L) Price EUR
KERRIA - KERRIA . . . . .
K. japonica - Japanese kerria Golden Guinea h = 30...40 5 10,00

Name Cultivar Picture Height of the transplant (cm) Container(L) Price EUR
K. amabilis - beauty bush Pink Cloud h = 40...50 5 5,00
- ,, - . h = 50...70 7 10,00

Name Cultivar Picture Height of the transplant (cm) Container(L) Price EUR
L.x watereri - golden chain tree Vossii # h = 80...120 10 35,00

Name Cultivar Picture Height of the transplant (cm) Container(L) Price EUR
L. vulgaris - common privet (European privet) Aureovariegatum h = 40...60 5 5,00

Name Cultivar Picture Height of the transplant (cm) Container(L) Price EUR
M.x hybrid Ann h = 60...80 7 20,00
Betty h = 40...60 5 15,00
Randy # h = 40...80 5 20,00
Susan # * h = 30...50 5 15,00
M. x loebneri Merrill # h = 50...80 7 20,00
M. sieboldii - Siebold`s magnolia
(Korea mountain magnolia)
- h = 30...50 3 10,00
-,,- . h = 50...80 7 20,00
M. x soulangeana Heaven Scent h = 50...80 7 20,00
M. stellata - star magnolia Royal Star h = 30...40 5 10,00
-,,- . h = 40...60 7 15,00
-,,- . h = 60...80 10 20,00
George Henry Kern h = 40...60 5 15,00

Name Cultivar Picture Height of the transplant (cm) Container(L) Price EUR
M. aquifolium - Oregon Grape Apollo h = 30...40 3 10,00
-,,- . h = 40...60 5 15,00

Name Cultivar Picture Height of the transplant (cm) Container(L) Price EUR
Malus sp. Echtermeyer (weeping form,
red leaves in spring, be grafted
onto a M. x domestica)
h = 100...150 10... 15,00 ... 35,00
Hyvingiensis (weeping form,
be grafted onto a M. x domestica)
h = 100...150 10... 15,00 ... 35,00
Liset h = 100...120 7 15,00
- ,, - . h = 120...150 10 20,00
Mokum h = 100...120 7 15,00
- ,, - . h = 120...150 10 20,00
Prof. August Vaga h = 100...150 7...10 15,00...20,00
Red Jade h = 100...150 10 20,00
- ,, - . h = 150...200 10 30,00
Red Splended h = 100...120 7...10 15,00
- ,, - . h = 120...150 10 20,00
Royalty h = 100...120 7 15,00
-,,- . h = 180...200 20 35,00
Rudolph h = 100...120 7 15,00
-,,- . h = 120...150 10 20,00
M. toringo f. atropurpurea Atropurpurea h = 100...120 7...10 15,00
- ,, - . h = 120...150 10 20,00

Name Cultivar Picture Height of the transplant (cm) Container(L) Price EUR
P. coronarius - sweet mock-orange Aureus h = 30...50 3 3,50
-,,- . h = 50...70 5 5,00
Frosty Morn h = 30...50 5 5,00
Manteau d`Hermine . h = 30...50 5 5,00
Schneesturm h = 30...50 3 3,50
-,,- . h = 50...70 5 5,00
-,,- . h = 70...100 7 10,00
Snowbelle h = 50...70 5 5,00
Starbright h = 30...50 3 3,50
-,,- . h = 50...70 5 5,00
Virginal h = 50...70 5 5,00

Name Cultivar Picture Height of the transplant (cm) Container(L) Price EUR
P. opulifolius - Atlantic Ninebark Amber Jubilee . h = 40...50 3 5,00
Andre h = 40...50 3 5,00
Angel Gold (Minange) h = 30...50 3 5,00
- ,, - . h = 50...70 5 10,00
Anny`s Gold h = 50...70 5 10,00
Dart's Gold h = 30...50 3 5,00
-,,- . h = 50...70 5 10,00
Diabolo h = 30...50 3 5,00
-,,- . h = 50...70 5 10,00
Diable d`Or (Mindia) h = 30...50 3 5,00
-,,- . h = 50...80 5 10,00
Diabolo h = 30...50 3 5,00
-,,- . h = 50...80 5 10,00
Lady in Red h = 30...40 3 5,00
Little Angel . h = 30...40 3 5,00
Little Devil h = 30...40 3 5,00
- ,, - . h = 40...60 5 10,00
Little Joker # h = 40...60 5 10,00
Little Leena # * h = 100... 150 3 5,00
Magic Ball h = 30...40 3 5,00
Midnight h = 30...40 3 5,00
- ,, - . h = 40...60 5 10,00
Nugget h = 30...40 3 5,00
- ,, - . h = 40...60 5 10,00
Panther # h = 30...40 3 5,00
Red Baron h = 30...50 3 5,00
- ,, - . h = 40...60 5 10,00
Salamandra # h = 40...60 5 10,00

Name Cultivar Picture Height of the transplant (cm) Container(L) Price EUR
P. japonica - Japanese andromeda (Japanese pieris) Debutante h = 40...60 5 15,00
Valley Valentine h = 40...50 5 15,00
Mountain Fire # h = 40...50 5 15,00

Name Cultivar Picture Height of the transplant (cm) Container(L) Price EUR
POPULUS - ASPEN . . . . .
P. tremula - common aspen
(European aspen)
Erecta h = 80...120 5 10,00
- ,, - . h = 120...150 7 15,00
- ,, - . h = 150...200 10 20,00

Name Cultivar Picture Height of the transplant (cm) Container(L) Price EUR
P. fruticosa - shrubby cinquefoil Abbotswood . h = 40...60 5 5,00
Bella Bianca . h = 40...60 5 5,00
Bella Sol h = 30...40 3 3,50
- ,, - . h = 40...60 5 5,00
Belissima * h = 40...60 5 5,00
Daydown h = 30...40 3 3,50
-,,- . h = 40...60 5 5,00
Golden Dwarf h = 40...60 5 5,00
Goldfinger h = 40...60 5 5,00
Gold Star h = 40...60 5 5,00
Mango Tango h = 30...40 5 5,00
Hopley`s Orange # * h = 30...40 5 5,00
Pink h = 40...60 5 5,00
Pink Queen h = 40...60 5 5,00
Primrose Beauty h = 30...40 3 3,50
Red Ace . h = 30...40 3 3,50
-,,- . h = 40...60 5 5,00
Red Robin h = 40...60 5 5,00
Silver Moon . h = 40...60 5 5,00
Sommerflor h = 40...60 5 5,00
Tilford Cream . h = 40...60 5 5,00

Name Cultivar Picture Height of the transplant (cm) Container(L) Price EUR
PRUNUS . . . . .
P.x cistena - purple-lief sand cherry - h = 150...200 10 15,00
P.kurilensis - Japanese alpine cherry Ruby . h = 70...100 3 10,00
P.laurocerasus - cherry laurel (common laurel) Otto Luyken h = 20...25 3 5,00
P.padus - bird cherry (hackberry) Colorata h = 70...100 5 10,00
- ,, - . h = 100...150 7 15,00
P.serrulata - East Asian Cherry Kiku-shidare-zakura h = 80...100 5 10,00
- ,, - . h = 100...130 7 15,00
Royal Burgundy * h = 80...100 5 10,00
P.subhirtella Accolade h = 80...100 5 10,00
- ,, - . h = 100...130 7 15,00

Name Cultivar Picture Height of the transplant (cm) Container(L) Price EUR
PYRUS - PEAR . . . . .
P. salixifolia - weeping silver pear - h = 80...100 5 10,00
- . h = 100...150 7 20,00

Name Cultivar Picture Height of the transplant (cm) Container(L) Price EUR
QUERCUS - OAK . . . . .
Q. robur- common oak (English oak) - . h = 60...80 5 7,00
- . h = 80...100 7 10,00
- . h = 100...150 7 15,00
- . h = 150...200 10 25,00
- . h = 200...300 15... 40,00...50,00
Fastigiate Koster h = 80...120 7 25,00
Monument # * h = 50...70 5 20,00
Purpurascens h = 80...100 7 30,00
Q. rubra - red oak (Northern red oak) - h = 100...120 5 10,00
- . h = 120...150 7 15,00
- . h = 150...200 10 25,00
Aurea . h = 70...100 7 20,00

Name Cultivar Picture Height of the transplant (cm) Container(L) Price EUR
Rhododendron hybrid- Hybrid Rhododendron Ann Lindsay # h = 40...50 5 25,00
Bernstein h = 40...50 5 25,00
Calsap h = 40...50 5 25,00
Catawbiense Grandiflorum h = 40...50 5 25,00
Cunningham s White h = 40...50 5 25,00
Gomer Waterer h = 40...50 5 25,00
Hachmann`s Charmant h = 40...50 5 25,00
Helsinki University # h = 40...50 5 25,00
Libretto h = 40...50 5 25,00
Nova Zembla h = 40...50 5 25,00
P.M.A. Tigersedt h = 40...50 5 25,00
Rasputin h = 40...50 5 25,00
Roseum Elegans h = 40...50 5 25,00
Taragona h = 40...50 5 25,00
Rhododendron impeditum - dwarf purple rhododendron Azurika # h = 40...50 5 15,00
R. japonicum- Azalea japonica Anneke h = 30...40 5 20,00
Chanel h = 30...40 5 20,00
Diorama h = 60...80 25 35,00
- ,, - . h = 80...100 45 50,00
Doloroso h = 30...40 5 20,00
Feuerwerk h = 30...40 5 20,00
Fireball h = 40...60 5 20,00
Fridoline h = 10...20 2 10,00
Geisha Orange h = 10...20 2 10,00
Gibraltar h = 30...40 5 20,00
Golden Lights h = 30...40 5 20,00
Goldköpfchen . h = 60...80 25 35,00
- ,, - . h = 80...100 45 50,00
Homebush h = 30...40 5 20,00
Juanita h = 30...40 5 20,00
Limetta h = 60...80 25 35,00
- ,, - . h = 80...100 45 50,00
Mandarin Lights h = 30...40 5 20,00
Mount Saint Helens h = 60...80 25 35,00
- ,, - . h = 80...100 45 50,00
Nothern Hi-Lights h = 30...40 5 20,00
Oxydol h = 30...40 5 20,00
Pink Delight h = 30...40 5 20,00
Sarina h = 30...40 5 20,00
Schneesturm h = 30...40 5 20,00
R. forrestii var. repens Baden Baden h = 20...30 5 20,00
Scarlet Wonder h = 20...30 5 20,00
R. x obtusum Kermesina h = 10...20 3 10,00
Kermesina Alba h = 10...20 3 10,00
Kermesina Rose h = 10...20 3 10,00
R. yakushimanum Kalinka h = 30...40 5 25,00
Ken Janeck h = 40...50 5 25,00
Schneekrone # h = 40...50 5 25,00

Name Cultivar Picture Height of the transplant (cm) Container(L) Price EUR
RHUS - SUMAC . . . . .
R. typhina (R. hirta) - staghorn sumac - . h = 100...150 5 10,00

Name Cultivar Picture Height of the transplant (cm) Container(L) Price EUR
RIBES - CURRANT . . . . .
R. alpinum - mountain currant (alpine currant) Schmidt . h = 30...50 3 3,00

Name Cultivar Picture Height of the transplant (cm) Container(L) Price EUR
S.alba - white willow - . h = 80...100 7 10,00
Flame . h = 60...80 5 10,00
Tristis Resistenta h = 70...100 5 10,00
- ,, - . h = 100...150 7 15,00
- ,, - . h = 150...200 10 20,00
S .babylonica var. pekinensis -
weeping willow
Ural-3 h = 60...80 7 6,50
(Babylon Weeping Willow) -,,- . h = 80...100 10 10,00
S. caprea - pussy willow
( goat willow )
Kilmarnock(weeping form) grafted at h = 100...180 7...15 15,00...30,00
S. fragilis - crack willow (brittle willow) Bullata 50...70 3 3,50
-,,- . 70...90 5 5,00
-,,- . h = 90...120 5 10,00
S. intergifolia - dappled willow
(flamingo willow)
Hakuro Nishiki h = 50...70 5 5,00
Pendula h = 80...100 10 20,00
S. lanata - woolly willow - h = 30...40 3 5,00
S. purpurea - purple osier
( basket willow)
- h = 30...50 3 3,50
- . h = 50...70 5 5,00
Nana Gracilis h = 30...50 3 5,00
Pendula . h = 80...100 5 20,00

Name Cultivar Picture Height of the transplant (cm) Container(L) Price EUR
S. nigra - European elder
(black elder )
Aurea h = 40...60 3 5,00
Black Lace h = 30...40 3 5,00
Laciniata h = 40...60 5 5,00
Madonna h = 40...60 5 5,00
Pulverulenta h = 40...60 5 5,00
Tenuifolia h = 40...60 5 5,00
Variegata h = 40...60 5 5,00

Name Cultivar Picture Height of the transplant (cm) Container(L) Price EUR
. . . . .
Crataegosorbus miczurinii Granatnaja (eater) h = 100...150 7...10 15,00
-,,- . h = 150...200 15 25,00
S. aria - whitebeam Lutescens h = 250...300 65 78,00
Magnifica h = 250...300 85 78,00
Majestica h = 150...180 10 20,00
- ,, - . h = 180...200 15 25,00
S. aucuparia - rowan (mountain-ash) Autumn Spire 70...100 5 10,00
- ,, - . h = 100...150 7 20,00
Edulis h = 250...300 65 67,00
Fastigiata h = 100...150 5 15,00
-,,- . h = 150...200 7 20,00
-,,- . h = 200...250 10 25,00
Pendula (weeping form) grafted at h = 100...200 10... 15,00...25,00
S.x arnoldiana Coral Beauty # . h = 160...180 10 20,00
S.x Chinese Lice h = 100...150 5 15,00
-,,- . h = 150...200 7 20,00
-,,- . h = 200...250 20 30,00
-,,- . h = 250...300 45 62,00
Dodong h = 100...150 5 15,00
-,,- . h = 150...200 7 25,00
-,,- . h = 200...250 10 35,00
S. intermedia - Swedish whitebeam - h = 70...100 5 7,00
- . h = 100...150 7 15,00
- . h = 150...180 10 20,00
- . h = 180...200 20 30,00
Brouwers h = 80...120 5 15,00
- . h = 120...150 10 20,00
S. koehne - h = 100...200 7,5 ... 15 10,00...25,00
S. x thuringiaca - Bastard service-tree Fastigiata h = 200...250 45 47,00,00
- ,, - . h = 250...300 65 62,00
- ,, - . h = 300...350 85 78,00
S. vilmorinii - Vilmorin s rowan
( Vilmorin n mountain ash)
Joseph Rock h = 100...150 5 15,00
-,,- . h = 150...200 7 20,00
-,,- . h = 200...250 10 30,00
-,,- . h = 250...300 20 62,00

Name Cultivar Picture Height of the transplant (cm) Container(L) Price EUR
SPIRAEA . . . . .
S. betulifolia - white spirea Thor h = 30...40 3 3,50
-,,- . h = 40...60 5 5,00
Tor Gold h = 30...40 5 5,00
S. cinerea Grefsheim h = 30...40 3 3,50
-,,- . h = 40...60 5 5,00
S. japonica - Japanese spiraea
(Japanese meadowsweet)
Crispa h = 30...40 3 3,50
-,,- . h = 40...60 5 5,00
Dart's Red h = 30...40 3 3,50
-,,- . h = 40...60 5 5,00
Goldflame h = 30...40 3 3,50
-,,- . h = 40...60 5 5,00
Goldmound h = 20...30 3 3,50
-,,- . h = 30...50 5 5,00
Golden Carpet h = 20...30 3 3,50
-,,- . h = 30...50 5 5,00
Macrophylla h = 50...70 5 5,00
Magic Carpet h = 30...40 3 3,50
-,,- . h = 40...60 5 5,00
Nana h = 20...30 3 3,5
Shirobana (Ganpei) h = 30...40 3 3,50
-,,- . h = 40...60 5 5,00
Sparkling Champagne h = 40...60 5 5,00
S. nipponica Halvard's Silver h = 40...60 5 5,00
June Bride h = 30...40 3 3,50
-,,- . h = 40...60 5 5,00
Snowmound h = 30...40 3 3,50
-,,- . h = 40...60 5 5,00
S. vanhouttei- spelled spirea Gold Fountain h = 30...40 3 3,50
-,,- . h = 40...60 5 5,00
Pink Ice h = 30...40 3 3,50
-,,- . h = 40...60 5 5,00

Name Cultivar Picture Height of the transplant (cm) Container(L) Price EUR
S. incisa - Lace Shrub (cutleaf stephanandra) Crispa h = 20...30 3 3,50

Name Cultivar Picture Height of the transplant (cm) Container(L) Price EUR
SYRINGA - LILAC . . . . .
S. meyeri- dwarf Korean lilac Palibin h = 40...60 5 5,00
S. pubescens ssp.patula- Miss Kim lilac Miss Kim h = 30...40 3 3,50
-,,- . h = 40...60 5 5,00
S. vulgaris - common lilac Andenken an Ludvig Spath h = 60...80 5 15,00
-,,- . h = 80...100 12 20,00
Aucubaefolia h = 80...100 3 15,00
- ,, - . h = 100...120 5 20,00
Beauty of Moscow h = 80...100 10 20,00
Charles Joly . h = 80...100 10 20,00
Katherine Havemeyer h = 80...100 10 20,00
- ,, - . h = 100...120 15 25,00
Miss Ellen Wilmott h = 80...100 10 20,00
Pamjat Vavilova h = 60...80 5 15,00
Primrose h = 80...150 7...10 10,00...15,00
Sensation h = 60...80 5 15,00
- ,, - . h = 80...100 15 20,00
Znamja Lenina * h = 40...60 7 15,00
S.x hyacinthiflora - h atsintsirel Maiden`s Blush h = 20...50 3 10,00
S.xprestoniae- Prestoni lilac Agnes Smith # h = 30...40 3 10,00
Miss Canada . h = 30...40 3 10,00

Name Cultivar Picture Height of the transplant (cm) Container(L) Price EUR
TILIA - LINDEN (LIME) . . . . .
T. cordata - small-leaved Linden
(littleleaf linden)
- . h = 70...100 7 15,00
- ,, - . h = 300...350 110 80,00
T. platyphyllos - large-leaved lime - . h = 200...250 15 35,00
- . h = 250...300 25 47,00
- ,, - . h = 300...350 110 80,00
T.x Henryk Eder . h = 70...100 10 20,00

Name Cultivar Picture Height of the transplant (cm) Container(L) Price EUR
ULMUS - ELM . . . . .
U. glabra - Common elm Camperdownii (weeping cultivar) grafting h = 160...180 10 30,00
Ulmus x hollandica - Dutch elm Wredei h = 60...80 5 15,00
- ,, - . h = 100...150 7 20,00

Name Cultivar Picture Height of the transplant (cm) Container(L) Price EUR
VIBURNUM . . . . .
V. bodnantense - Arrowwood Charles Lamont h = 40...60 3 5,00
- ,, - . h = 60...80 5 10,00
- ,, - . h = 80...100 10 15,00
Dawn . h = 60...80 5 10,00
V. lantana - Wayfaring Tree - . h = 50...70 5 5,00
V. plicatum- Japanese snowball Summer Snowflake h = 40...60 5 10,00

Name Cultivar Picture Height of the transplant (cm) Container(L) Price EUR
WEIGELA . . . . .
W. florida All Summer Monet h = 30...40 3 3,50
-,,- . h = 40...60 5 5,00
Atropurpurea Nana h = 30...40 3 3,50
-,,- . h = 40...60 5 5,00
Monet (Verweig) h = 30...40 5 5,00
Picobella Rosa h = 30...40 3 5,00
Pink Poppet h = 30...40 5 5,00
Purpurea h = 30...50 3 3,50
-,,- . h = 50...80 5 5,00
Red Prince h = 30...50 3 3,50
-,,- . h = 50...80 5 5,00
Snowflake h = 30...50 3 3,50
Variegata h = 30...50 3 3,50
-,,- . h = 50...80 5 5,00
W. praecox - Early-Flowering Weigela - h = 50...80 5 5,00
-,,- . h = 80...100 7 10,00
-,,- . h = 100...120 10 15,00


Name Cultivar Picture Height of the transplant (cm) Container(L) Price EUR
ACTINIDIA . . . . .
A. arguta - hardy kiwi Issai h = 30...60 3 5,00
mail . h = 30...60 3 5,00
Super Jumbo h = 30...60 3 5,00
A. kolomikta - variegated-leaf hardy kiwi - . h = 30...60 3 5,00

Name Cultivar Picture Height of the transplant (cm) Container(L) Price EUR
. . . . .
A.macrophylla - Dutchman's pipe - h = 30...60 3 5,00

Name Cultivar Picture Height of the transplant (cm) Container(L) Price EUR
. . . . .
C. montana - Himalayan Clematis
(Anemone Clematis)
Rubens h = 30...60 3 5,00
C. vitalba - Traveller`s Joy - h = 30...60 3 5,00
C. viticella - Italian leather flower ( Virgin s bower) - h = 30...60 3 5,00

Name Cultivar Picture Height of the transplant (cm) Container(L) Price EUR
HEDERA -IVY . . . . .
H.helix - common ivy - h = 30...50 3 5,00

Name Cultivar Picture Height of the transplant (cm) Container(L) Price EUR
H.anomala - Climbing Hydrangea - h = 30...50 3 5,00

Name Cultivar Picture Height of the transplant (cm) Container(L) Price EUR
L.latifolius - everlasting pea (perennial sweet pea) - h = 30...60 3 5,00

Name Cultivar Picture Height of the transplant (cm) Container(L) Price EUR
. . . . .
L.brownii Dropmore Scarlet . h = 30...60 3 5,00
L.periclymenum - honeysuckle Serotina (Dutch honeysuckle) h = 30...60 3 5,00

Name Cultivar Picture Height of the transplant (cm) Container(L) Price EUR
P.quinquefolia - Virginia creeper - . h = 30...60 3 3,00
Troki* h = 30...60 3 5,00

Name Cultivar Picture Height of the transplant (cm) Container(L) Price EUR
V.vinifera - common grape vine Sukribe h = 30...60 3 5,00
Zilga h = 30...60 3 5,00
NB! The prices may be different on place!